Isopropyl Alcohol Vapor Monitor

Isopropyl Alcohol Vapor Monitor

  • $45.00


Isopropyl Alcohol Vapor Monitor can be worn as a badge near the breathing zone to measure personal exposure, or placed in a room to measure area concentration.

Workplace Exposure Monitoring

Measurement of personal exposure is very easy. Clip the monitoring badge near the breathing zone of the worker. Record the start time and the stop time of the test on the pouch of the badge and return it to the laboratory for analysis in the mailer provided. The analysis report will show the average concentration of the worker’s personal exposure level.

According to OSHA regulations, each person who uses a toxic gas as a regular part of their job must have their exposure monitored periodically.

Indoor Air Monitoring

Place or hang the badge in your home for 24 hours. Record the start and stop times and send the badge back to the laboratory for analysis in the mailer provided. The analysis report explains if the concentration level of your home is exceeding the exposure limit.

Isopropyl Alcohol is a colorless liquid with a sharp, musty odor like rubbing alcohol.


  • Used in products found in salons for nails, skin, hair
  • Found in perfumes, antifreeze, soaps, window cleaners

Exposure Limits

  • OSHA PEL: TWA 400 ppm (980 mg/m3)
  • NIOSH REL: TWA 400 ppm (980 mg/m3) STEL 500 ppm (1225 mg/m3)

Health effects

  • Harmless to skin
  • Eye irritant
  • May cause drunkenness and vomiting, if ingested

Additional Resources

Sold individually, as a pack of 5, or a pack of 10
All purchases include analysis and report from our accredited Industrial Hygiene laboratory

Principle of Operation

Air diffuses through a micro-porous membrane and collects vapor on special prepared adsorbents inside the monitoring badge.

TWA (PPM) 400 400  200
STEL/CEIL (PPM)  500  400


AKA  Isopropanol, 2-pronanol
 CAS#  67-63-0
ABSORBENT  Activated Carbon
3.2 PPM for 15 Minutes
0.03 PPM for 24 Hours
 RECOMMENDED SAMPLING TIME  Workplace: 15 minutes to 8 hours
Indoor Air: 24 hours – 48 hours
 INTERFERENCES  No interferences are known
 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE  Less than 10% for each 10°C variation from 24°C
 EFFECT OF HUMIDITY  No effects detected at 30% RH to 92% RH.
 ACCURACY  Meets or exceeds OSHA accuracy requirements of +/- 25%
 STORAGE CONDITIONS  Store at room temperature.
 RECOMMENDED HOLDING TIME Monitors need to be returned to Lab within two weeks after sampling